As our parents grow older, they become more dependent on others for everyday activities and chores. Naturally, we may feel that it is our responsibility to take over as primary home caregiver. However, bearing all the responsibilities for an aging parent shouldn’t all be on one person, nor is it the ideal way to provide care. Furthermore, your relationship can become strained by such a situation.

Personal home care such as bathing or toileting may be especially embarrassing for a parent or older relative to receive from their adult child while a professional home caregiver has undergone extensive training in this area and is sensitive to your loved one’s needs. A trained home caregiver knows how to properly handle these tasks to ensure safety and dignity, as well as how to make this generally uncomfortable situation more comfortable.

With a professional in-home caregiver taking over these tasks, you now have the opportunity to spend quality time while visiting your parent or loved one. As a friend once said, “Why do the things others can do when you are leaving undone the things which only you can do well?” Wouldn’t you rather spend time just being daughter or son when there is someone else better suited to provide the hands on care your loved one requires?

We often let our guilt get the best of us. Other times we fear facing these issues, especially how our loved ones will react to the mention of bringing in outside help. To overcome the guilt or fear, think of hiring a professional in-home caregiver as a positive solution you’re providing for mom or dad.

Keeping a positive attitude can help your parent adjust. For example, try an approach such as, “Mom, I realize keeping up with all the housework is more difficult than it used to be, so I want to give you the gift of a housekeeper to come in and help you once a week.”

Having in-home care assistance and resources relieves some of the stress of being a caregiver, and allows your relationship with a parent or loved one to blossom and remain positive.

Learn more about our professional home caregiving services here.