A major transition just happened (hospitalization, recent move, death of a spouse) and you’re worried about how they’re coping.

Change is always stressful but to an elderly person who has had a fixed routine for years and wasn’t looking for change the stress can be both overwhelming and long-lasting. Many factors affect the adjustment process, and even changes you see as positive can be tough. How much did he or she participate in decisions about the change? How many resources, social as well as financial, do they have? Was the change the result of a crisis – unplanned and unwelcomed? How can we support the adjustment process and make transitions as smooth as possible?

Care Managers Can…

  • Identify all the tasks that need to be done, organize and prioritize, and then coordinate getting them done
  • Work closely with hospital discharge planners to ensure a smooth transition home
  • Deal with all of the “details” around the transition – from medical equipment to home health, medications, doctor’s appointments, follow-up, moving companies and packing, and all the little things in between
  • Educate about costs and pros and cons; help with the management of expectations
  • Assist with access to appropriate community resources
  • Communicate and follow up with all involved
  • Provide education about what to watch for and help with monitoring
  • Give emotional support and coaching to help with the adjustment to the new arrangement